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Texture Analysis SolutionsTortilla Tear Strength


  • Objective process developed to measure the tear resistance and ultimate strength of a flour tortilla to add a quality check into the manufacturing process
  • Repeatable, quick and representative strength and extensibility test method using a software-controlled texture analyzer
  • Industry-specific fixture to grasp and stretch the product under tension and simulate the penetration by a finger
  • Quantified hardness texture correlated to the ideal acceptable mouthfeel softness quality balanced with handling resilience


Tortilla tear test method using a Perspex cylinder probe to penetrate a flour tortilla
Extensibility fixture holds the flour tortilla sample whilst a shaped probe pushes through initiating a tear under tension

The producer of cornflour tortilla products needed a way to determine the texture and the resistance to tearing their products.

To be considered a good tortilla, the product has to be flexible enough to roll up but strong enough to hold a typically hot filling without tearing. Current methods for testing are very subjective and unreliable. The bakery product manufacturer wanted a way to put firm numbers to the properties of their products to replace historical subjective measurements.


Individual samples to be tested were prepared by cutting 6 square samples from the same tortilla to fit into the testing fixture. All testing was done at room temperature, originally using the FTC TMS-Pro, now replaced by the Mecmesin OmniTest Texture Analyzer The samples were held in place using a ring clamp (Extensibility Fixture) and punctured through using a 1” inch cylinder probe. The test speed was set to 150mm/min and run to a distance of 35mm. This distance was far enough to have the probe puncture through the sample.

The fixtures are interchangeable on the Texture Analyzer and a range of probes may be used to refine the accuracy of correlation to benchmark texture qualities. Spherical probes can replicate the tearing of the dough by fingers, and optimization of the test routine can enable the producer to create programmes for sensory interactions such as folding (for a fajita serving) in addition to tear resistance. Testing food samples in fresh and stale states is valuable in the analysis of packaging effectiveness in controlling shelf life.


The tortilla's ultimate burst strength is calculated from the peak force, the displacement that is reached at the peak gives an indication of the extensibility and we also measure the work from the area under the resulting curve to gain even more detailed information and facilitate even more differentiation between samples.

VectorPro software has pre-loaded fundamental calculations derived from the measured data and graph curve shape. In addition basic formulae can also be added into the displayed results to derive other texture attributes, thus enhancing the profiling of the product.

Test data table of tortilla texture showing peak tear force and work done for each tested sampleto break

• Simple test to objectively measure the tear strength of tortillas
• Software facilitates automatic statistical analysis
• Allows customer to put "real" numbers to their subjective data

FDA 21 CFR Part 11

21 CFR Part 11 is a set of regulations from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that establish requirements for the use of electronic records and signatures in place of paper records and handwritten signatures. VectorPro software implements compliant security, traceability, event logging, test versioning and other features and protocols to enable organisations to meet these requirements.

Tear strength of tortillas graphical results
Person tearing a flour tortilla bread as a sensory interaction relating to freshnessPerson folding a flour tortilla bread as a sensory interaction relating to freshness


Software-controlled Texture Analyzer fitted with a stainless steel spherical probe to test flour tortilla texture characteristics

VectorPro texture calculations immediately return scientific physical sensory attributes and curve comparison

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